
Disclosure Statement (24 hour processing – digital or post)


Before you can sell your lot, you will need to create a Section 206 of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 requires that a Disclosure Statement be prepared.  This statement, signed by the seller (or the seller’s agent), informs a potential buyer about relevant Body Corporate matters and specifically about any unique matters pertinent to your lot.



* image is for illustration purposes only the actual statement may differ in format


Disclosure Statement (urgent)


Before you can sell your lot, you will need to create a Section 206 of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 requires that a Disclosure Statement be prepared.  This statement, signed by the seller (or the seller’s agent), informs a potential buyer about relevant Body Corporate matters and specifically about any unique matters pertinent to your lot.


When needed

Before you sign a contract to sell your lot.


Who usually requests the statement

Owners or their Real Estate Agents.


Other Related Items

Disclosure Statement (non urgent) … if you would like to save a little money


People often also obtain

Insurance Certificate of Currency

Electronic Search of the Body Corporate Records